Histogram of the Cattle Number per Hectare in Pasture Areas

In our chart, the x-axis represents the log of (cattle number per hectare + 1) and the y-axis represents the number of municipalities that fall into each interval of the x-axis variable. In addition, you can choose any desired period. It is also possible to filter by region, by state, and for the Legal Amazon. Have you tried pressing play to see the chart changing over time?


Data collected from MAPBIOMAS. MAPBIOMAS is a collaborative network composed of NGOs, universities, and technology startups, which produces annual mapping of land cover and use in Brazil.

Want to explore more? Access our Github.

Attention: This visualization is fed by data processed through the datazoom.amazonia package in R (load_mapbiomas() function) and is subject to error due to changes in external sources. If the user identifies any discrepancy in information, we request that you report it in GitHub Issues.

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