
Select visualization by type Select visualization by subject Main available visualizations:

Time Series

Labour Occupations Economic Activities Labour Market Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Agriculture and Ranching Municipalities’ Land Coverage States’ Transition of Land Coverage Distributed Generation – Time Series Energy Production, Consumption, and Consumers Isolated Systems Mortality Type by Municipality Export Destination Countries Product Exports by Municipality States’ Land Coverage Stories which contain these visualizations

External Trade

Most Exported Products – Rankings Specific Products Exports – Rankings Products Main Destinations – Rankings Export Destination Countries – Time Series Product Exports by Municipality – Time Series Greenhouse Gases Emissions in Agriculture and Ranching – Time Series Export Volume per Destination Country – Sankeys STORIES WHICH CONTAIN THESE VISUALIZATIONS

Municipalities’ Land Coverage Time Series

On our dynamic chart, it is possible to change the variables and choose information about MAPBIOMAS. In addition, there is the option to use a log scale and/or proportional to the initial year. Finally, the user can select the desired geographical subdivision. INFORMATION ABOUT THE DATABASE USED IN THIS VISUALIZATION Data collected from the MAPBIOMAS. MAPBIOMAS is […]


Municipalities’ Production Map

On our dynamic chart, it is possible to change the variables, choosing information about the existing livestock in the municipality, as well as production from animal origin and the value of production during the reference year. In addition, there is the option to select the year in which you want to do the analysis. Have […]

Relationship between Attention Coverage and Mortality

On our dynamic chart, where each circle corresponds to a municipality, it is possible to change the variables and choose information about various sources and put them on a log scale. In addition, the user can select the marker color and size based on these databases. Finally, there is the option to select the year […]

Mortality Type by Municipality Time Series

In our dynamic graph, it is possible to change the variables, with the option to choose the type of mortality desired on a scale of 100 million inhabitants being present. In addition, there is the option of putting the variables in log scale. Finally, the user can manually select the states and municipalities desired. INFORMATION […]

Static Map of Municipalities

In our static graph you can alter all variables, being given the alternatives to select informations from the 2000 Census, the 2010 Census or the Social Progress Index (IPS) from either 2014 or 2018. Informations about the data base used in this visualization The data refers to the research of the 2000 Census, 2010 Census […]

Product Exports by Municipality Time Series

On our dynamic chart, it is possible to change the variables and choose information about Comex. In addition, there is the option to use a log scale and/or proportional to the initial year. Finally, the user can select the desired geographical subdivision. INFORMATION ABOUT THE DATABASE USED IN THIS VISUALIZATION Data collected and treated by […]